Sunday 7 October 2012

The Chocolate Overdose Cake

I made a pretty spectacular cake for the first time in my life this weekend. Usually my mom does the stunning cakes, but I think mine was right up there. I did it a little oddly, and I'd change some things if I did it again, though.

We started with a two-layer cake that was already stacked and iced. First, we stuck pieces of Kit Kat bar to the side of the bottom layer of cake with dollops of clear corn syrup on the back. We could not have done it without that corn syrup. And since some of it oozed out between the chocolate pieces, I really suggest using the clear stuff. Also, make sure your bottom cake is slightly shorter than a Kit Kat piece, or the M&M's will not stay put.

We tied the ribbon around it right away so that the Kit Kats wouldn't fall off. The next thing we did was dump M&M's between the top cake and the top of the Kit Kat pieces. If I did this again, I would save this step for last.

After that, we actually weren't sure what we wanted on the top, so we just went to the store and looked at the candy options until we found some we liked. We bought some mini Rolos and a Hershey's Cookies and Cream chocolate bar. The Rolos went on easier than the Kit Kats did, but we still used a dollop of clear corn syrup on the back of each one.

If I did it again, the Rolos would have lined up better. Because the M&M's were already in there, and we started from the bottom, the lines aren't really straight. I would either have started from the top, or from the bottom and added the M&M's after the fact.

Lastly, we grated a bar of Hershey's Cookies and Cream. Yes, grated. Like a cheese grater. We used the big side, and it really just crumbled the chocolate, which was our desired effect. It really worked better than expected.

And then we spooned out the crumbles to the top of the cake. Some crumbles slid down to the M&Ms, or got stuck in the Rolo stacks, but we got the noticeable ones out.

It was a bit of a gong show to cut into, but the mess was delicious, and enjoyed by all. A true success of a cake.