Monday 28 May 2012

What's Up With This?

So, what is up with this? This is my little blog. I often have an irresistible urge to blog, but it's always about random, unsorted things, so my fear of unorganized items prevents me from typing all my thoughts out. Well, today I thought, "What the heck? Why do I need an organization system for my thoughts?" So here goes! I'm just going to blog about whatever comes to mind.

As an explanation... I often say "right meow" instead of "right now". Most people hear "now" anyways, so it's just kind of funny. Sometimes overdone, sure, but I still like saying it. (Also... I really like kitty cats. They're so fluffy! I would probably be a crazy cat lady if I could...)

Anyways, so this blog will just be about whatever I'm thinking right now, or "meow". Also, the url is "ThinkingAboutRightMeow" because that's something most of us could do a little more. I, for one, need to spend more time thinking about now, and the present, and less time dwelling on the past or obsessing over the future.

So, I guess that's all for now... I'm sure I'll be writing again soon. I've been busy lately, but that just means I have more thoughts just racing through my brainpan.

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