Sunday 9 September 2012

He Found a Girl who Reads

I'll be the first to admit my marriage is not perfect. We don't just have hills and valleys, somedays we have mountains and canyons.

Our first anniversary is coming up, a week from today. Trust me, the first year is not as easy as some people will have you believe. At least, it wasn't for us. I won't delve into all of those dips and dives, but please know that we have ups as well. So basically, I'll never say my marriage is perfect, or my husband is perfect, or my life is perfect.

Only this; my husband is perfect for me.

Today was one of those days that the truth of that smacked me in the face hardcore.

I'm one of those girls that delves into books with my whole mind. I'll be reading in bed, and he'll come in to tell me something and I'll just have a look on my face and hold a finger up. He'll wait, knowing that nothing in the world matters as much as whatever it is I'm reading right then. It used to frustrate him, but he's learning that this is how I am and I'm not about to change. Today, after he heard me laugh out loud and not two minutes later, I was sobbing, he came in and commented on that. I pulled up a quote I had seen on Pinterest (where else?). It claims to be from Robert Pattinson, but I can't verify this.
"If you find a girl who reads, keep her close. When you find her up at 2am clutching a book to her chest and weeping, make her a cup of tea and hold her. You may lose her for a couple of hours, but she will always come back to you. She’ll talk as if the characters in the book are real, because for a while, they always are...You deserve a girl who can give you the most colourful life imaginable. If you want the world and the worlds beyond it, date a girl who reads."
 I showed him this and he told me he knows and he loves me for it, but went away to let me delve back in anyways.

He was downstairs when I finished the book, but I just sobbed and sobbed and sobbed and then went to the bathroom as he came back up. Then I sat in his "office" and told him all about the book. Finally, he burst out, "I want to watch this video! Just go back to your room and read! Besides, if you just go in there, you'll find something happy."

Feeling dejected, rejected, and alone, I went back to the bedroom, where I found a steaming hot mug of Earl Grey tea. I just started crying. The fact that he is so amazing... That he knew (had I not finished the book whilst he made the tea) that I needed nothing more than a glass of British tea with my British book. And that he took my quote's advice... I felt overwhelmed with how good I have it, and how good he is to me.

We may have our poor moments, and we may fight, but I know that he treasures me, for all my faults, and that in the end, he will always come through for me. He was disappointed to know that I had finished my book, and therefor his undiluted love was a little late, but I just decided to blog instead. Tea goes great with blogging too.

He has his faults, he has his fails, but I need to remember days like today. Where, without a second word, he comes through and does something amazing, and it just echoes with "I love you, I love you, I love you, you, you..."

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